How To Cope With Disappointing Matric Results


Results from the Matric final exams of 2024 will be released on the 13th January 2025. It is safe to say that many will be celebrating, but there are always those who don't do as well as they hoped.



This is known to be an emotionally difficult period for most matriculants who did not manage to achieve favourable matric results. 

Educational Psychologist Landi Blok van Cronesteyn says that although this may be a difficult conversation for parents. Their reaction to the aftermath often determines a lot about how the disappointed learner will deal with and move forward from the emotional burden of the failed attempt. 

She adds that, as opposed to trying to hold children accountable for their present circumstances, parents focus on using failure as an impetus for growth and encouragement.

van Cronesteyn further states that it is also important for parents to encourage their children to take advantage of their strengths as the acknowledgement of small acknowledging victories is just a when dealing with disappointment.

Another more practical way in which to cope in dealing with disappointing matric results is to apply for a re-checking and re-marking of your exam script before the closing date of 4 February 2022. For more information on how you can do this, read the article below.

Read more: Apply Now For Matric Exam Re-mark & Re-check

Another alternative would be to apply to write the June National Senior Certificate supplementary exams. The closing date for registration for the June NSC examination is 15 February 2022. The Basic Education also notes that matriculants may only rewrite the subjects they were registered for during the previous year-end examination.

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