NSFAS Confirms 2024 Eligibility Criteria



More than 1.8 million funding applications were submitted to NSFAS in 2024. The financial aid scheme has revealed under which conditions students will be funded by the government bursary scheme. 


The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has released the NSFAS 2024 Eligibility Criteria and Conditions for Financial Aid to ensure that students have adequate funds for their academic endeavours.

NSFAS, under the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), offers NSFAS bursaries to students who lack the means to finance their tertiary education.

Requirements to Maintain NSFAS Funding

In 2024, both continuing and First Time Entering Students (FTEN) at universities must achieve a credit pass rate of 50%. However, to qualify for funding in the 2025 academic year, they must attain a course credit pass rate of 60% by the end of the 2024 academic year. Failure to meet this criterion will result in the withdrawal of NSFAS funding for 2025.

For students in TVET colleges, eligibility for an NSFAS bursary depends on passing at least five subjects in the previous NC(V) level and progressing to the next NC(V) level. Similarly, students enrolled in Report 191 programme/NATED programmes must pass a minimum of three subjects in the previous N-Level to qualify for a bursary when advancing to the next Report 191 level.

The academic progression criteria for continuing students pursuing occupational programmes will be determined by TVET colleges, with results communicated to NSFAS.

In 2024, NSFAS-funded students who deregister or drop out during an academic term and seek to resume their studies in subsequent terms must reapply for funding. Additionally, students who exceed the NSFAS N+ Rule for universities or TVET colleges will not receive funding.

The university N+ Rule for 2024 is based on the duration of a student's registration in the higher education sector, while the TVET college N+ Rule is determined by NSFAS-funded academic terms at TVET Colleges. The additional NSFAS-funded academic term may involve repeating any level from the entry to exit academic term.

It's important to note that the N+ Rule does not apply to occupational programmes due to their alignment with employment contracts, which do not accommodate the N+1 period of study.

NSFAS 2024 Allowances

For university students residing in university-managed self-catering and accredited off-campus accommodations, the annual cap is set at R50,000 in metro areas and R41,000 elsewhere. University-managed catered accommodations are capped at R66,500 in metros and R57,500 elsewhere, per beneficiary.

TVET college students in managed self-catered and accredited off-campus accommodations have a cap of R50,000 in metros and R41,000 elsewhere, while college-owned catered residences are capped at R60,000 in metros and R51,000 elsewhere, per beneficiary.

In 2024, the living allowance is R10,000 for TVET college students and R16,500 for university students annually, disbursed monthly over ten months.

Students with disabilities qualify for living allowances, including meals, at R20,000 per academic year. They also qualify for a learning materials allowance of R6,000 per academic year for university students only.

NSFAS provides an assistive devices allowance limited to R50,000 as a once-off allowance. These students also qualify for repairs and maintenance of assistive devices up to the value of R2,000 per academic year.

To stay updated on NSFAS news, applications, and the latest changes, visit our NSFAS page.

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