Internships and Learnership


Internships provide you with great work experience that looks great on your CV and helps you to get a permanent job. Paid SA internships for 2024 are available now and we feature all the latest internship here and you can register for these paid internships if they are suitable for you.

Doing a Learnership is a great opportunity if you want to new learn skills and develop a career in a field you are passionate about. 2024 Learnerships are open now and we always have details on the latest available Learnerships for you. Applications for 2024 Learnerships are also opening.

When you register for a Learnership you will receive training in a field of choice. When you register to complete a Learnership you will also be paid in the form of the stipend. This means you will be paid monthly while you are on the learnership - the amount you will be paid depends on the the academic level of the Learnership and the company offering the learnerships.


