Requirements For A TVET College Bursary



South Africa has 50 Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges, with more than 200 hundred campuses countrywide. If you’d like to obtain a qualification from one of these institutions but don’t have financial means, you can consider applying for a bursary. 



Public Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges offer a very wide range of programmes that help individuals to respond to the scarce skills currently needed by employers. 

According to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas), South Africa is in shortage of skills in engineering, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, etc. that will build a strong economy; and the TVETs are the vehicle to a new skills revolution.

However, taking the first step in pursuing a career in one of these fields will require you to apply to a TVET College to nurture and develop the skills needed.

Should you be in need of funding your education in these institutions, you will need to visit a financial aid office which is located in a campus, in most cases.

Prior to taking the initiative of visiting the TVET’s financial aid office, you need to make sure of the following qualifying criteria:

  • Be a student that is registered or intending to register on a Pre-Vocational Learning Programme, National Certificate Vocational or Report 191 programme.
  • Must be in need of financial assistance
  • Academic performance (academically deserving) must be in line with the College’s progression policy or the progression prescriptions of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines (whichever is higher).

This is generally what bursaries, such as Nsfas, look at when a student applies for a bursary to fund their tertiary education.

This government bursary scheme funds TVET programmes such as study fields such as Engineering Studies, including Business & Utility Studies in from PLP’s to Nated educational levels. 

Nsfas caters for students in both public TVET Colleges and universities, covering essential costs for its students. 


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