Colleges In Gauteng That Accept Nsfas


Thousands of students in South Africa rely on government funding to pay their tertiary education tuition fees. Here’s a list of colleges in Gauteng that the DHET bursary funds. 


The National Student Financial Aid Scheme bursary, also known as the DHET bursary offers bursaries to deserving students studying at various universities and TVET colleges in South Africa.

If you’re a planning on further your studies but lack funding, you can apply for the Nsfas bursary if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are a South African citizen.
  • Are a SASSA grant recipient.
  • Have a combined household income of not more than R350 000 per annum.
  • Person with disability: Combined household income must not be more than R600 000 per annum.

The colleges in the Gauteng province that accept Nsfas are:

  1. Central Johannesburg TVET College
  2. Ekurhuleni East TVET College
  3. Ekurhuleni West TVET College
  4. Sedibeng TVET College
  5. South West Gauteng TVET College
  6. Tshwane North TVET College
  7. Tshwane South TVET College
  8. Western College for TVET

Apart from registration and tuition fees, the bursary scheme covers several other expenses for qualifying students.

Additional expenses Nsfas covers for TVET colleges in the 2024 year are:

  • Student accommodation in an urban area R50,000 per annum
  • Student accommodation in other areas will be R41,000 per annum
  • Students in TVET-owned catered accommodation is capped at R60,000 per annum in urban areas and R51,000 in other areas.
  • Transport R7,875 per annum (Only for students who don't receive the accommodation allowance).
  • Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum.
  • Allowances for students in distance education is capped at R5,460 per annum.

To find out more about Nsfas and other funding opportunities visit the Bursaries Portal.



