Here Are The Documents Needed When Submitting A NSFAS Appeal



When a student has been declined for funding through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, they have the opportunity to submit an appeal to be reconsidered by the Scheme. 



The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) adheres to its bursary requirements before a student can be considered for funding.

The government bursary scheme strictly funds students enrolled in any of South Africa’s public universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges.

Should a student’s NSFAS funding application be declined, they will need to lodge an appeal to be reconsidered for a funding opportunity.

The Scheme’s decision to reconsider the student for funding depends on the reason why they were rejected for funding. Students are urged to note that appeal decisions are subject to budget availability.

If you intend on submitting an NSFAS appeal for the following reasons, here are the documents that you will be required to submit:

I am a vulnerable Child: Vulnerable Child Declaration form

Combined household income is below threshold: Proof of income (Payslip)

Change of income: Retrenchment Letter, Letter of Termination, or UIF indicating unemployed or incapacity

Deceased parent/guardian/spouse: Death certificate of the person who passed away

I am a SASSA beneficiary: SASSA Letter

I am independent of my biological parents: Court order indicating that the applicant is declared as independent of their biological parents

Cost of education is restricted to one parent: Divorce decree indicating that the responsibility for the cost of education is restricted to one parent

Combined household income is below threshold: ITA34 for all listed parents/guardians/spouse for the 2021 Tax Assessment Year as issued by SARS/Retrenchment Letter/Letter of termination/UIF indicating unemployed or incapacity/Death certificate for parent/guardian/spouse

I was ill for 2 or more months: Letter from institution indicating that the student has the propensity to complete their qualification within one additional academic term/Medical report indicating severe ill health for 2 or more months during the academic term or during examinations

I was subject to a violent crime: Letter from institution indicating that the student has the propensity to complete their qualification within one additional academic term/Proof of that the student was subject to a violent crime

Students may also consult the NSFAS official website for other reasons why their appeal may not be considered.

Here’s How Students May Lodge An Appeal:

Students need to submit their appeal within 30 days of receiving their application results.

To submit an appeal, the student is required to first log in to their myNSFAS profile and provide the requested information.

This will need to be followed by the student uploading the required documents, and then clicking on the submit button.


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