What Your ‘Null’ NSFAS Application Status Means



If you are a student that has applied for funding from the National Student Financial Scheme (NSFAS) and your application status reads "null" then you're probably wondering what this means.


NSFAS has allowed a 30 day period where applicants are allowed to appeal their unsuccessful funding applications. NSFAS can reject your applications for various reasons which include academic eligibility or financial eligibility. 

If your NSFAS application status states "Null" then here is what it means. When your application status reads "null" it means that your funding status is being processed, so you can continue monitoring your application status on the myNSFAS portal.

NSFAS appeals are currently open and you can do the following if you want to lodge an appeal:

  • Log into your ‘myNSFAS’ student portal account
  • Click the 'Track Funding Progress' option
  • Check the application progress tabs
  • If your application status reflects an unsuccessful message, you may submit an appeal by clicking on the 'Submit Appeal Tab'
  • Once you are on the 'Application Appeal' page, you can see the reason for your unsuccessful application status
  • You are then able to choose the appeal reason
  • Then upload certified supporting documents to support your reason
  • Then click 'Submit Appeal'
  • You may now track the progress of the appeal on your myNSFAS account.

NSFAS usually responds to NSFAS appeals within 30 days. You can track your application progress during this period.

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