What Are The Advantages Of A Bursary?


Majority of individuals wishing to further their tertiary education rely on bursaries to finance their tuition fees. Bursary financing has grown to be a crucial aspect of increasing access to higher education, which is why it should be maintained.


The rising cost of education and especially higher education has become a major issue in South Africa. Therefore, bursaries are one of the best ways to finance your studies and achieve goals in higher education without having to spend a large amount of money.

Students who are recipients of bursary funding have the opportunity to excel in their academics without carrying any financial burdens or stress. 

Some bursaries cover half, if not all of a student's study fees. It could also cover their transport fees, housing accommodation, study material and living expenses.

As a student you benefit from a bursary in various ways:

  • You will have an opportunity to complete your studies without paying for it.
  • Many students graduate from university with huge student loan debt, having a bursary takes away the financial stress of studying.
  • The bursary may also grant you extra allowances for certain things such as a book allowance, traveling allowance, student accommodation, and living allowances. 
  • Some organizations or bursary donors offer you internships and career opportunities.

There are several advantages and benefits of having a bursary. Prospective students can apply for a bursary from various organisations offering funding, an education provider, an employer or even the government.

Find out more on the latest funding and bursary opportunities on the Bursaries Portal.



